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Terms and conditions for SINGLE VISIT


ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER AND INDEMNITY. I, the client, acknowledge that I know, understand, and appreciate the inherent risks of participating in aerobic and athletic activities. I know that these risks range from minor injuries such as muscle strains and sprains to significant problems such as knee injuries or broken bones to the rare catastrophic events such as heart attacks, paralysis, and death. I hereby assert that I am voluntarily participating in the activities and that I fully assume the inherent risks of such participation.

I certify that (1) I possess a sufficient degree of physical fitness to participate in aerobics and physical activity; (2) I understand that I am to discontinue activity at any time I feel undue discomfort or stress; and (3) I will indicate below any health concerns that might affect my ability to participate in the activities and I will verbally inform the instructor immediately.

In consideration of being permitted to participate in the activities at Battle Box, LLC, I hereby release (on behalf of myself, my family, my heirs and my assigns) Battle Box, LLC, their respective employees, agents, successors and assigns from liability for any and all claims involving injury, death, or property loss suffered by me or any person entering as my guest including those injuries which result from ordinary negligence of Battle Box, LLC and their respective employees, agents or sponsors. This includes incidents that occur while participating in the activities, while using the facilities, or while engaging in any activity’s incidental thereto, wherever, whenever, or however the same may occur.

I further agree to hold harmless, defend and indemnify Battle Box, LLC from any and all claims (including ordinary negligence of Battle Box, LLC or their employees or agents) arising directly or indirectly from my participation in the activities. I further agree to pay all costs and attorneys’ fees incurred by Battle Box, LLC in investigating and defending a claim brought by me or on my behalf by my heirs, personal representatives, or assigns, or by a third party.

Parent/Guardian: In exchange for Battle Box, LLC allowing my minor child to use the Club, I agree to the Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Indemnity clause in this Agreement. I also agree to defend and indemnify Battle Box, LLC or its officers and employees to the fullest extent permitted by law for any claim brought by my minor child against them. I also promise to pay any financial obligation incurred by my minor child for any reason and acknowledge that the banking information provided is my account. I understand that any child of mine under the age of 16 must be always accompanied by an adult while in a Battle Box, LLC location.


Use of Personal Information, Image, Likeness, and/or Voice: We may photograph, record on audio or video, or otherwise record Battle Box, LLC Fitness classes or member use of the Studio. In exchange for your use of the Studio or your participation in any Battle Box, LLC Fitness class (whether in studio, outdoors, online or otherwise), you understand, acknowledge, and agree that you may be photographed, recorded on audio or video, or otherwise recorded and hereby agree and consent for all purposes to the sale, reproduction, and/or use in any manner of any such photograph, audio, video, or other recording or depiction of your likeness and/or voice whatsoever by us, any Battle Box, LLC Fitness studio, and any nominee or designee of us, including without limitation any agency, client, periodical or other publication, in all forms of media, whether now or hereafter devised, throughout the world and in perpetuity, and in all manners, including without limitation advertising, trade, display, editorial, art, and exhibition. You further understand and agree that any such photograph, audio, video, or other recording or depiction of your likeness and/or voice may be modified, altered, cropped, and combined with other content such as images, video, audio, text, and graphics, and hereby waive any right that you may have to inspect or approve any finished image, video, or audio containing a depiction of your likeness or voice. You further agree that the Studio, may use any information gathered in this form or through your use of the Studio or participation in any Battle Box, LLC Fitness class, provided the information does not personally identify you or provide facts that could lead to your identification, for any purpose, including without limitation research, product and program improvements, and statistical purposes. You agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Studio, from and against any and all liability, damage, loss, and/or claims of any kind or nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, any and all claims and demands relating to libel, invasion of privacy, and violation of publicity rights. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) give permission to photograph minor(s)/children.

Identification: If we require you to furnish identification upon entry to our facility and as a condition of using the services therein, we will provide you with the means of such identification.

Cancellation in Writing: Notice of your intent to cancel this Agreement shall be given in writing at the Battle Box location or via email at info@battleboxatlanta.com.

Authorization for Phone Calls and Text Messages: By providing your phone number above and signing this Agreement, you consent to and authorize the Studio, the entity (defined above), and/or their agents to call or send you text messages to the number you provide regarding (1) class reminders, waitlists, account balances, and/or transactions, and (2) Battle Box, LLC Fitness promotions or advertising. You are not required to authorize calls or text messages to become a Battle Box, LLC Fitness member, and you may opt-out at any time by request if called or by replying “STOP” in response to a message.

Termination: We reserve the right to terminate or refuse to renew your Agreement for any reason not prohibited by law including, but not limited to, an unsatisfactory payment history or failure to comply with any rules, policies, or modifications to rules or policies during this Agreement’s term. Zero tolerance policy. At our discretion, any behavior that we feel is inappropriate may result in the refusal of service.

All sales are final. No refunds.